Empathic Final Event

may. 20, 2021


9:00-9:15. Welcome

09:15-10:15 EMPATHIC- Final Results and Expected Impact.

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30- 11:30 Expert Talks: “Perspectives on the Challenges of Building, Using and
Commercializing Social Conversational Agents for the Silver Economy"

· The Research and Technology Perspective
Kristina Jokinen - Senior Researcher at AIRC (Artificial Intelligence Research Center), (AIST Tokyo)
· The Health Perspective
Laurence Chaby - Associate Professor, MC HDR at Institut de Psychologie, (Université de Paris)
· The Policy Maker Perspective
Irina Kalderon - Policy Officer Health Innovation and Ageing, (European Commission)
· The End User Perspective
Jesus OrbeRetired medical Doctor, End User of the final prototype, (Official school of medical doctors in the Basque country)
· The Business, Product and Services Perspective
Ester Sarquella - Government and Public affairs Global Director and Business Development Director for Digital Health, (Tunstall)

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45- 12:45 Round Table: How could we tackle respective Technological, Political and Social Challenges?

12:45-13:00 Closing

Puedes registrarte aquí: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeREi9ck5sy3pLIzcP0lukMKUl6eR2SLgV8OZwAstfdCgNAOQ/viewform


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